Tuesday 20 March 2012

Using the reactor tool

This tutorial uses the reactor tool. I already used this once when creating the smashing wall in an earlier blog entry but this tutorial halped me understand the tool in more detail.

The first thing to try was a simple dropping a box onto another. This uses gravity to create an animation. First thing to do was to create a rigid body collection. I did this by going to animation > reactor > create object > rigid body collection. I then slected all the items that will be used in the animation and put them into the collection.

Then gave the falling box a mass of 10. But I kept the base box at 0. This means that the base box will not be affected by gravity and will act as a sort of plane.

By selecting 'Preview Animation in Window' I can see how it turns out. It went just as it was meant to and made a realistic falling action.

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