Tuesday 20 March 2012

Reactor tool bowling

The next step of using the reactor tool I used an already created model of a bowling alley. Firstly I added all components into a rigid body collection. I then gave the skittles a mass of 10 and the bowling ball a mass of 20.

The next thing to do was to give momentum to the ball. To do this I used the autokey on frame 5 and moved the ball forward a bit and gave it slight rotation. I then made sure that on the 'preview and animation' tab I made the starting frame at about 3, not 1, as the ball would just drop and no momentum would show.

The final tweak was on the 'Havok 1 world' tab was to change the collateral tolerance to about 0.6 so the skittles will not 'jump' when the animation starts.

This reactor tool is becoming more useful than I thought! It will be very useful in my final animation and I look forward to utilising its power!

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